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Interpeace has a spot in the Top 500 NGOs World ranking

28 juin, 2016
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Puntland. Photo Credit: PDRC

Interpeace has been named in the 2016 Top 500 NGOs World, published by NGO ADVISOR. With over 22 years of experience in peacebuilding, Interpeace was ranked number 108, selected amongst thousands of NGOs around the world, for its outstanding impact, innovation and governance.

Interpeace understands that peace cannot be imported or designed by external actors, it must be built from within a society. Therefore, our role is to support and strengthen the capacities of the local actors, to jointly develop peacebuilding programmes. Interpeace supports locally led peacebuilding initiatives in more than 21 countries in Central America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We were initially established in 1994 by the United Nations, and are currently a strategic partner of the UN. Interpeace is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and has offices in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; Brussels, Belgium; Guatemala City, Guatemala; Nairobi, Kenya; New York, USA and Stockholm, Sweden. This is the third year Interpeace has been included in the World rankings of NGO ADVISOR.

NGO ADVISOR is a Geneva-based independent media organization that investigates, scores and ranks non-governmental organizations, focusing on the practices and ideas implemented by the organizations and determining how these models are challenging traditional approaches to NGOs. There is a Top 500 NGOs USA, a Top 500 NGOs Asia and a Top 500 NGOs World.

Interpeace is honored to be named in the World ranking, and will continue to develop innovative methods to enable people in the most difficult circumstances to build lasting peace.

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